£1997 which includes a VIP Business Breakthrough Deep Dive Strategy Session worth £1500!

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The Wildly Authentic Business Incubator

  • 10 lessons taught by Mel giving you everything you need to create a wildly authentic and successful business (Value £1997)
  • Lifetime access to the lessons and all the amazing content which means you can watch them again and again as you grow and your business grows creating immense value and opportunity for continued growth and expansion (Priceless!)
  • Done for you templates and worksheets to help you apply the strategies and tools with maximum ease and effectiveness (Value £497)
  • Coaching workbooks for each module which take you on a deep, process of self inquiry and enable you to access your infinite wisdom and create crystal clear clarity (Value £997)
  • 6 Group Coaching calls where you can ask questions and be supported with your specific challenges and opportunities - (Value £1497)
  • Access to a dedicated online Community Group to connect with your tribe and get support and advice whenever you need it from Mel and the community 
  • Pay In Full Bonus - A complimentary private Business Breakthrough Session with Mel to radically fast-track your results and create a business strategy and plan (Value £497) 
  • INSTANT ACCESS BONUS - Full access to my Selling From The Soul Swipe File that provides absolutely everything you need to start to call in your perfectly aligned clients and confidently ask them to work with you. Done for you templates, a deep dive coaching workbook and even a guided meditation to help you get into alignment and out of fear before each and every sales conversation (Value - £297)
  • BONUS - Energy Package Yoga has been such an important tool to help me create a wildly successful business. With the Energy package you will gain online access to -
    • Intro to Yoga Workshop
    • 3 specially themed Yoga classes on demand
    • A very special Yin Yoga Nidra Session (Value £397)