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BWA Masterclass: Creating Courage and Conviction

What would be possible if you had more courage?  

In this LIVE Masterclass we will be exploring the most important actions you can take to generate more courage (yes that's right you generate it, its not something you magically have or don't!) and the exact steps you can take to gain momentum and progress in the areas of your life that matter most. 

We will explore the questions - 

  • Where are you backing down in your life? 
  • What answers does your soul have for you that you are too busy trying to analyse or make sense of to really listen and hear? 
  • Are there people, situations or circumstances that you know are not in alignment with you being at your best?
  • Where are you avoiding taking the right action for you and your future?

We will answer these questions and so much more during this Masterclass on a topic that is incredibly important to you Becoming Wildly Authentic.

You hold all the answers you could ever need - this is a universal wisdom we too often learn the hard way. We avoid the action that we know deep down is right for us, talk ourselves into accepting circumstances, situations and relationships in our lives that encourage us to dim our light, try to fit in and ultimately result in us walking with a slump in our shoulders and a stumble in our step.

When you learn how to generate Courage and learn how to stop being afraid of your fear new worlds of possibility become available to you.

When you connect with your true sense of Conviction, for the people, causes and purpose that really matters to you, you can draw on it to fuel your Courage and step forward to claim your space in this lifetime.

Courage is NOT something you are born with. It is something you generate day after day through the way you take action, make decisions and understand your fear. Our aim is not to not feel scared, it’s to understand that feeling scared is a necessary part of living your life at your fullest expression. That feeling fearful and scared can in fact be a wonderful indicator that you are on the right path, heading in exactly the right direction.

Creating Courage and Conviction is a deep, expansive journey of self discovery which will give you the guidance and tools to create a strong, positive psychology and know exactly how to generate more courage when you need it most. 

This Masterclass will help you: 

  • Connect with your quiet voice and bring her out to be heard.  
  • Connect with the force that drives you that fuels your passion for change and making the world a better place and learn how to harness those qualities each day. 
  • Generate more courage to step forward and take action towards the life of your dreams.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of yourself and where you could create more success with speed and ease in your own life.

You will create habits that help you to connect with your inner most desires and the force that drives you, and use the tools to build courage bold enough to speak your truth.

Here's what you get:

  • An invitation to join Mel LIVE for the Creating Courage and Conviction Masterclass 
  • A beautiful interactive coaching workbook to guide you through a process of deep self discovery
  • An interactive coaching platform where you can ask Mel any questions and be supported through your learning experience 
  • Lifetime access to the Masterclass and coaching resources including new tools and strategies as they are released
  • A £97 credit coupon to be redeemed against the Becoming Wildly Authentic Masterclass Series 

Sign up now and join this Masterclass LIVE at 3pm on Thursday 25th March.  

You will have the opportunity to ask me anything and everything and share with other amazing women just like you, who dream the same dreams and face the same challenges. 

When you sign up you can instantly access the gorgeous Creating Courage and Conviction coaching workbook to support the Masterclass and get stuck in! 

You will also have access to me through the Becoming Wildly Authentic Live Masterclass Series platform and I will be on hand to support and guide you with any questions you may have. 

You deserve to go forward and speak your truth in the most Wildly Authentic way! 

I can't wait for you to realise this and know exactly what steps you can take to build the Courage and Conviction to do it! 

Mel x


What People Are Saying:

The difference Mel has made has been just amazing, Mel has helped me see that this mission I am on, there's no failure here, it's not even something to be considered. This will happen. I’m on the journey to making it happen, it is happening in its incremental ways and I can see that it will be a million dollar company and it will change the face of society, and the face of health care. I’ve never felt more emboldened to pursue my life's passion than I have since I've been working with Mel.
