A 12 week intimate mentorship program to show you how to build a successful, sustainable business on your own terms, so you can become the woman the world needs right now

I'm Curious

A 12 week intimate mentorship program to show you how to build a successful, sustainable business on your own terms, so you can become the woman the world needs right now

I'm Ready!

The way we live and do business is founded on a system that isn’t designed for women to thrive easily.

Every time we turn on the news, we see the heartbreaking results of centuries of patriarchal imbalance.

Many of us are being activated to lead the way and create the balance and equity our world so desperately needs.

So if you’re feeling called to live a life of higher purpose…

… To truly align your business with your values…

… It’s no coincidence.

Besides, isn’t this why you started your business in the first place?

You left the rat race (and the exhaustion and burnout it creates) to dance to the beat of your own drum, with dreams of freedom and living the life you deeply desire.

Only now your “freedom” business is anything but.

It can feel so OVERWHELMING.

The never-ending rollercoaster of highs, lows, lessons, and learning curves can leave you exhausted.

Your heart breaks a little more each time you find yourself teetering on the brink of burnout (again!) and drowning in your never-ending To Do list.

And there’s this little whisper of voice, asking:

“Am I cut out for this after all? What if I never get there?”

Sister, I see you. I’ve been there too. And the answer is: “Yes. There is a way to create the business and impact you dream of.”

Know this:


If your business isn’t delivering the freedom or impact you know is possible, it’s not your fault.

It’s because doing business as a woman IS different!

We have different biology, neurology, physiology and chemistry.

High Performance and sustaining success for women is different from men.

Yet, we have been conditioned by a society that tells us to know our place:

  • To put everyone else first and leave ourselves at the back of the queue
  • To be a 'Good Girl'
  • To be perfect

Couple this with the fact that our bodies regularly challenge us with unpredictable energy and hormone levels which can sabotage our ability to get things done when we need to.

They don’t teach us this in business school, do they?

But - with the right framework and support system, you can completely personalise your business strategy and success formula to create the life and business you dream of with less effort… not more.

Sweet Soul, this is your invitation to step inside a transformative business mentorship program
designed for the way women should do business.

Gail Partridge 

Founder of PGZ Consulting & Executive Coach 

"Mel has helped me to look up and believe in the art of the possibilities. I have more energy, more focus and I am making huge strides with more clients and more revenue along with clarity on exactly how I want to grow and market my business further.
Mel is the gift that keeps on giving."

Activate Your Feminine Edge

A 12-week nourishing coaching program that gives you the proven strategies, tools, and frameworks to thrive as a woman in business.

And without the cookie-cutter bro marketing tactics that leave you feeling exhausted and confused.

Become the business woman you are destined to be

Sarah Huntley

Business Mentor & Coach

"I am making more money than ever in my business, and I can’t wait to see how much further I can progress. The change (for the better) has been beyond what I ever expected to achieve. For anyone considering booking coaching with Mel, I urge you to do so - straight away! It’s a decision you won’t regret. Thank you Mel!"

Mel Peck

Coach & Neonatal Therapist
"After my 'initial call' out to clients 4 weeks ago after Module 1, 5 lovely peeps signed up for my first ever coaching programme! It's actually happening. I had a few tears too as it all comes after pretty much the worst 6 months of my life.
But I felt and feel so inspired by Mel and you all in the Business Incubator that I couldn't let the second half of 2021 miss out on what I have to give. The most beautiful part is, people signed up before I even gave the details, and stepping back and reflecting on this I realised they signed up to me, just me and that's a very humbling and I feel very blessed #doingitscared.
Thank you for everything doesn't even cut it Mel, so glad and lucky I found you and followed the thread. This is really happening."

is a group coaching programme designed to help you create momentum in your business and sustain it with ease and grace.

It’s perfect if you are feeling stuck, stressed out and overwhelmed with how to create a successful business that is authentic and aligned.

Here’s how it works:

The Perfect Feminine Rhythm and Flow

We work together during a 12 week ‘season’ to help you understand your optimum rhythm and flow and teach you how to run your business in alignment with your feminine energy and physiology.

Our journey begins with identifying the number one priority to deliver in your business to realise your vision.

We laser focus on ONLY the strategies that will achieve your goal quickly. By keeping you in the highest impact areas for your business, we keep you firmly out of overwhelm.

Regular Coaching & Masterclasses
Our weekly group coaching sessions will answer all your questions and help you stay focused and supported in a way that keeps you connected and in flow. We record each session, in case you can’t make it to the live event.

Say goodbye to throwing marketing spaghetti at the wall and praying that something sticks! You will feel clear, grounded and aligned in your actions each week through regular touchpoints and support.

Rest & Replenish
We will pause the coaching calls for a 2-week break over Xmas and New Year to relax, recharge and be in receiving mode. This alone is a deeply transformational aspect of the experience.

Research-Based Curricula
The programme has an equal focus on you AND your business. To create your own definition of success, you will connect with the highest potential of who you came here to be and learn how to operate from that place each day by applying research-based processes and frameworks.

The Feel Good, Feminine Business Framework gives you all the strategy you need to build your business.


When partnered with The Four Pillars of The Feminine Edge you receive the guidance to create life-changing insights and proven tools to create deep transformation and success you can sustain:

Wisdom - Unleash your Inner wise woman & strengthen your trust in your intuition to always know your next best move

Worth - Create unshakeable self-belief to be, do and have everything that’s possible for you

Wealth - Create the confidence, strategies and processes to receive & steward money in exchange for the value you offer to the world

Well-being - Define your Unique Success Formula & the perfect rhythm and flow of habits, practices and priorities to perform at your best


This intersection of science and spirituality helps you realise your full potential, fulfil your purpose, and create a wildly fulfilling and successful life and business that makes a difference in the world.

Mary Coughlin

President & Founder, Caring Essentials Collaborative

"This mission I am on, there's no failure here, it's not even something to be considered. I'm on the journey to make it happen, it is happening in incremental ways and I can see that it will be a million dollar company and it will change the face of society, and the face of health care.


The coaching has literally changed everything for me. I've come from this mindset that I don’t need any help, that I can do everything on my own, I must do everything on my own. That mindset only got me so far.
The thing that is so magical about working with Mel is the way she probes, the way she asks the questions, it's like she's an amazing, intuitive locksmith, she always knows the right questions to ask!
A great coach will help you unlock all the answers, all the wisdom that's been hanging out inside you all this time but you just haven't had the right key to release it and open it up to the world, that's what Mel does.
I've never felt more emboldened to pursue my life's passion than I have since I've been working with Mel. 
The only thing I would change about my coaching experience is that I didn't do it sooner!”

Designing a successful, sustainable business is ABOUT SO MUCH MORE THAN MINDSET AND STRATEGY


The problem with most business coaching programmes is that they fail to truly consider the person at the centre of the business - the owner.


Remember, your business is a reflection of YOU, and the vehicle through which you will realise your heart fuelled mission in the world, which is why you are at the heart of our focus and support.

I'm ready to create a successful, sustainable business


The curriculum and methodology of Activate Your Feminine Edge is curated to unlock your unique and sustainable business blueprint.

Over 12 life-changing weeks, you will receive…

  • A Dream & A Plan Strategy Workshop: Kick off the process with a workshop to dream big and hatch the perfect plan to realise your ambitions. Once we have mapped out your Vision, you create a focused plan for you AND your business. This keeps you focused on the most impactful priorities without getting lost in the noise of all the ways you ‘could’ build your business

  • 8 x Weekly Community Coaching Calls: Receive powerful coaching from Mel as she gives you personalised support within the community. Relax in the knowledge you always have a place where your questions are answered so you can keep moving forward with momentum and clarity.

  • The Wildly Authentic Business Incubator Self Led Curriculum: Get instant access to Mel's signature business programme that gives you a proven framework to build and strengthen your business foundations. These 10 modules are the foundation for our work together. Go through live together with us, or dive deep and fast on your own time. (Value ÂŁ1997)

  • Becoming Wildly Authentic Self Led Curriculum: Receive access to Mel's world-renowned research-based feminine high-performance coaching curriculum to help you develop transformational habits and routines that will enable you to lead your business with ease and grace. (Value ÂŁ2997!)

  • Lifetime access to the lessons which means you can watch them again and again as you grow and your business grows creating immense value and opportunity for continued growth and expansion (Priceless!)
  • Access to The Feminine Edge Business Community online platform: A space to ask questions, connect, share ideas for insight and feedback and know you always have a place to go and be supported by Mel and the rest of the community.

Plus these bonuses to help you elevate your experience and deepen your foundations:

Research-based feminine performance and business tools, templates and frameworks: Get specific strategies and tools to enable you to have more consistent energy and vitality and create your own ‘Self-Centred Business Design’

  • The Focus Formula productivity planner

  • Create Unshakeable Self Belief mini-course

  • Selling from the Soul Swipe File

  • Top 10 Transformational Practices

  • Meditations and Visualisations to Activate your Feminine Edge

  • And more!

  • 1 Ticket to Sequins, Strategy & Celebration Live! You will receive a ticket to attend an expansive and inspiring in-person live event held in Scotland where you can hang out with your soul sisters and Mel and step fully into the woman you are here to become! Mark your calendar for 13th December! Don’t worry if you can’t make it in person, we will be livestreaming across the globe!

  • SPECIAL SCALING BONUSES - Expert Masterclasses
    The Energy of Money with Sarah McCrum (Value ÂŁ997)
    Explode your Business Growth through PR & Publishing with Dina Behrman (Value ÂŁ997)
    Selling as an Empowered Woman with Laura Wright (Value ÂŁ997)

When you secure your place, you will receive a very special PRIVATE VIP Strategy Session to map out your personalised business roadmap with coaching and support from Mel (Value ÂŁ997)

Yes, It's time to invest in my future

Dr Libby McGugan

Coach, Author, TedX Speaker

"I love how inspiring the programme is. It’s expanded my ideas of what’s possible. Carving your own path can be lonely, so when I hear other women’s challenges it helps to know we can overcome them collectively.


I definitely recommend the Academy. I’m working at a new level, aware of the value I offer, and I’ve secured my highest paying client. Clients are finding me, I don’t need to go searching for them.
I’m now spending more time with the people I love, taking more holidays and enjoying life more than ever before.
Since joining, I’ve set the wheels in motion to make my dreams happen instead of just thinking about them.

Louise Dougan 

Founder & Fractional COO, Valterum

"Since working with Mel, I’ve secured my biggest client at a new level and price point.

Opportunities are presenting themselves at that new level in a way that feels quite easy! I do not have to go and search - prospective clients are finding me.

I’ve been able to also show up in my life for the people who matter and make time for all the people I love as well as growing my business.

I’ve taken holiday, travelled in the EU and got a new international client. I’ve set in motion what I needed to do to make my dreams happen not just think about them!

9 years ago my life began again when I had a breakdown (which was really my awakening) and I walked away from my ‘successful’ career and life to start over.


Climbing the career ladder and overplaying my masculine energy in a pale, male and stale corporate environment took its toll.


My old habits of relying on only my wits, my logical mind and 'efforting' that had helped me be successful in my corporate career, were not only long past their sell by date, but they had also directly contributed to my breakdown and burnout. 


I needed to find a way to make a bigger difference whilst living a life that nourished me and filled my days with meaning and impact. 


This journey led me to rediscover the Sacred Feminine thread of wisdom that has been written out of history through millennia of patriarchal power structures.  Once I committed to rebalance my feminine and masculine energy and attributes, once I activated my 'Feminine Edge' everything changed. 


I learned to cultivate my creativity, embrace my uniqueness and share my voice in the world without shame.


Through exploring my intuition, I began to regularly tap into my deepest desires and connect with the timeless wisdom that resides within all of us on a daily basis, and when I began to teach others these techniques and practices and see the results, I soon realised that anything is possible.


Since setting up my own business, I have worked with hundreds of amazing women (and a few good men!) helping them create purposeful, prosperous businesses through helping them design their ‘optimised business ecosystem’ - The unique blend of business, performance strategies and intuitive practices that enable them to succeed with authenticity and ease.


With 25 years of experience as a coach and consultant specialising in transformation and performance, since creating my own successful business, I’ve worked with an incredible list of world renowned leaders in their fields to become a certified high performance coach, trained intuitive coach, certified mystic, energy practitioner & digital marketer & copywriter.


This blend of skills along with my expertise as a consultant and business strategist places me in a unique position to offer a blend of specialist strategy and support I don’t believe exists in the marketplace.


If you're ready to activate your Feminine Edge, I'd love to be your guide.

✓ You are a coach, consultant or business owner here to be of great service to the world and your soul is calling you to step up and serve at a higher level

✓ You have an existing business that is not where you want it to be or a business idea that you need to get off the ground

✓ You have a deep longing to finally make a success of your business and have the impact you know is possible for you

✓ You want proven strategies, processes and frameworks to follow that take away the guesswork and let you get into flow each day

✓ You would love to make more money in your business without working longer hours or getting overwhelmed trying #allthethings

✓ You want to create a compelling offer in your business that is enjoyable to deliver, highly scalable, keeps you firmly out of overwhelm AND start to sell it confidently!

✓ You would love to be part of a loving and powerful community of women who are here to do important work in the world and are ready to be supported to unlock your next level

✓ You are hungry to make a bigger difference through your business and want to learn exactly how to do that without risking burnout or overwhelm

✓ You are ready to be a channel of abundance and security for your family and for your business to be a vehicle for more satisfaction and freedom in your lives


I'm IN!
How to have a successful business that creates meaningful change in the world without getting stressed, overwhelmed or burnt out.
How to use your purpose as your superpower and distinguish yourself uniquely in the marketplace
How to sell with ease and release the shamey feelings and self doubt that accompanies promoting yourself and your services
Exactly how to become the ‘go to’ leader in your market with a distinctive offer and service that is irresistible to the clients you are here to serve
How to tune into your intuition to help you make decisions more quickly and get more done in less time. 
How to be deeply confident in your worth, and demonstrate your unique value through your offerings and your pricing
How to call in your clients with ease and authenticity on a regular basis through marketing moments that convert
The exact processes and strategies that will help your business to run smoothly and on autopilot to keep bringing you cashflow, leads and clients

Joy Hess

Neo-natal Nurse Practitioner

"I now know that I have more to contribute to the world and I never felt like that before coaching, I want to give this to others. There are so many people that just don’t see their own value.

Mel has been able to take me to an amazing place that I didn't know existed, within me."

Jennifer Lemon

Owner, Bright Lemon Consultancy

"I am now procrastinating less, achieving more, and even exercising! I am all round much happier and more confident. I have chosen ‘empowerment over victimhood’ and gained a greater sense of calm and acceptance ...

Thank you, Mel, and the authentic, ‘soul-led’ women who have supported me on this amazing journey!"

Module 1 - MOMENTUM

Create the conditions to thrive and create a wildly successful business with maximum ease and minimum overwhelm

Module 2 - MISSION

Connect at a deeper level with your mission and purpose to give you the courage and conviction to share your voice and your vision more widely.

Module 3 - MESSAGE

Connect with your muse and find the perfect words and phrases to call in your soul aligned clients.

Module 4 - MARKETING

Discover the perfect marketing strategy to become visible to your soul aligned clients.


What you do and how you do it - your signature program and client journey

Module 6 - MONEY

Learn how to sell from your soul, upgrade your wealth consciousness and create systems and processes in your business to enable money to flow to you freely and regularly



Design clear processes within your business to align your efforts and energy which enable you to serve with ease and give your clients a 5 star consistent experience.

Module 8 - MINDSET

Learn how to feed and reinforce your confidence, self belief and ability to take action before you are 100% ready

BONUS MODULE - Magical Market Research Process

Learn my proven process for raising your visibility, calling in your perfectly aligned clients and signing them up to your new programmes and services

BONUS MODULE - How to make an Offer with Ease and Alignment

A behind the scenes look at my business as I deconstruct how I create my offers and the secrets which make them highly attractive to clients and highly sellable with zero conflict and maximum confidence
  • Finally stop searching, worrying and wondering about how to grow your business and feel utterly confident in yourself and your abilities.
  • Stay in flow and take inspired action as you learn to trust your instincts and intuition to make decisions more quickly and easily.
  • Discover habits and routines to create powerful transformations and become the woman you are destined to be as you walk in the world without guilt, hesitancy or shame.
  • Finally create the impact you dream of making by sharing your work and leading at your next level with grace and elegance.
  • Know exactly how to leverage your time, energy and services to maximise your profit and revenue and spend more time with your family - without working harder.
  • Feel stronger physically, mentally and emotionally and able to positively influence your ability to focus, concentrate and feel energised through harnessing your hormones
I'm ready to activate my feminine edge

Meredith Knapp

Founder, Essential Function Occupational Therapy

"I now have a business and am starting a private therapy practice of my own!  I've even signed up my first client! I always said I’d never own my own business.  That just goes to show how you can never know where your life is headed. 
While money (or lack thereof in my case!) almost made me not sign up, I’m glad I did.  It’s the best money I’ve spent in becoming a healthier, happier ME!"

One-Time Payment


Over 12 transformational weeks you will receive:

  • A Dream & A Plan Strategy Workshop: Kick off the process with a workshop to dream big and hatch the perfect plan to realise your ambitions. Once we have mapped out your Vision, you create a focused plan for you AND your business. This keeps you focused on the most impactful priorities without getting lost in the noise of all the ways you ‘could’ build your business (Value ÂŁ497)
  • 8 x Weekly Community Coaching Calls: Receive powerful coaching from Mel as she gives you personalised support within the community. Relax in the knowledge you always have a place where your questions are answered so you can keep moving forward with momentum and clarity. (Value ÂŁ1997)

  • The Wildly Authentic Business Incubator Self Led Curriculum: Get instant access to Mel's signature business programme that gives you a proven framework to build and strengthen your business foundations. These 10 modules are the foundation for our work together. Go through live together with us, or dive deep and fast on your own time. (Value ÂŁ1997)

  • Becoming Wildly Authentic Self Led Curriculum: Receive access to Mel's world-renowned research-based feminine high-performance coaching curriculum to help you develop transformational habits and routines that will enable you to lead your business with ease and grace. (Value ÂŁ2997)

  •  Access to The Feminine Edge Business Community online platform: A space to ask questions, connect, share ideas for insight and feedback and know you always have a place to go and be supported by Mel and the rest of the community.

Plus these bonuses to help you elevate your experience and deepen your foundations:

  • Research-based feminine performance and business tools, templates and frameworks: Get specific strategies and tools to enable you to have more consistent energy and vitality and create your own ‘Self-Centred Business Design’
  • The Focus Formula productivity planner
  • Create Unshakeable Self Belief mini-course
  • Selling from the Soul Swipe File
  • Top 10 Transformational Practices
  • Meditations and Visualisations to Activate your Feminine Edge
  • And more!

1 Ticket to Sequins, Strategy & Celebration Live! You will receive a ticket to attend an expansive and inspiring in-person live event held in Scotland where you can hang out with your soul sisters and Mel and step fully into the woman you are here to become! Mark your calendar for 13th December! Don’t worry if you can’t make it in person, we will be livestreaming across the globe!

SPECIAL SCALING BONUSES - Expert Masterclasses

  • The Energy of Money with Sarah McCrum (Value ÂŁ997)
  • Explode your Business Growth through PR & Publishing with Dina Behrman (Value ÂŁ997)
  • Selling as an Empowered Woman with Laura Wright (Value ÂŁ997)

When you secure your place, you will receive a very special PRIVATE VIP Strategy Session to map out your personalised business roadmap with coaching and support from Mel (Value ÂŁ997)

I'm in! Let's do it!

Monthly Instalments

ÂŁ997 x 3

Over 12 transformational weeks you will receive:

  • A Dream & A Plan Strategy Workshop: Kick off the process with a workshop to dream big and hatch the perfect plan to realise your ambitions. Once we have mapped out your Vision, you create a focused plan for you AND your business. This keeps you focused on the most impactful priorities without getting lost in the noise of all the ways you ‘could’ build your business (Value ÂŁ497)

  • 8 x Weekly Community Coaching Calls: Receive powerful coaching from Mel as she gives you personalised support within the community. Relax in the knowledge you always have a place where your questions are answered so you can keep moving forward with momentum and clarity. (Value ÂŁ1997)

  • The Wildly Authentic Business Incubator Self Led Curriculum: Get instant access to Mel's signature business programme that gives you a proven framework to build and strengthen your business foundations. These 10 modules are the foundation for our work together. Go through live together with us, or dive deep and fast on your own time. (Value ÂŁ1997)

  • Becoming Wildly Authentic Self Led Curriculum: Receive access to Mel's world-renowned research-based feminine high-performance coaching curriculum to help you develop transformational habits and routines that will enable you to lead your business with ease and grace. (Value ÂŁ2997)

  •  Access to The Feminine Edge Business Community online platform: A space to ask questions, connect, share ideas for insight and feedback and know you always have a place to go and be supported by Mel and the rest of the community.

Plus these bonuses to help you elevate your experience and deepen your foundations:

  • Research-based feminine performance and business tools, templates and frameworks: Get specific strategies and tools to enable you to have more consistent energy and vitality and create your own ‘Self-Centred Business Design’
  • The Focus Formula productivity planner
  • Create Unshakeable Self Belief mini-course
  • Selling from the Soul Swipe File
  • Top 10 Transformational Practices
  • Meditations and Visualisations to Activate your Feminine Edge
  • And more!

1 Ticket to Sequins, Strategy & Celebration Live! You will receive a ticket to attend an expansive and inspiring in-person live event held in Scotland where you can hang out with your soul sisters and Mel and step fully into the woman you are here to become! Mark your calendar for 13th December! Don’t worry if you can’t make it in person, we will be livestreaming across the globe!


SPECIAL SCALING BONUSES - Expert Masterclasses

  • The Energy of Money with Sarah McCrum (Value ÂŁ997)
  • Explode your Business Growth through PR & Publishing with Dina Behrman (Value ÂŁ997)
  • Selling as an Empowered Woman with Laura Wright (Value ÂŁ997)

When you secure your place, you will receive a very special PRIVATE VIP Strategy Session to map out your personalised business roadmap with coaching and support from Mel (Value ÂŁ997)

I'm in! Let's do it!

Your investment supports Sisters around the world


When you join the programme, you will be assigned a ‘Sister’ through Women for Women International and begin to sponsor a woman who has been affected by war and conflict.

Your sponsorship will support your sister to participate in a 12 month leadership programme Stronger Women, Stronger Nations providing her with all the skills, knowledge and support she needs to create positive change for herself, her family and her community.

You will be able to write to and communicate with your sister and offer her the level of support that feels right for you.

Together, We Rise.

I'm Ready to Rise

Activate Your Feminine Edge is not just about a single 12-week season in your life.


Our sacred time together will build a foundation to serve your business and life as you go forward. You’ll change the way you do business so you can succeed, sustainably, over the long term.


You’ll join a community of women who care about profit and purpose.


And you’ll become the wise woman and fearless leader our world needs right now.

Join us now and become the woman you are destined to be AND when sign up you will also receive the special bonus of a VIP Private Strategy Session with Mel.

Get your Special VIP Bonus Session with Mel









  When you join Activate Your Feminine Edge you will get immediate access to the Business Incubator and Becoming Wildly Authentic programmes so you can get right into the foundational work for you and your business in advance of us kicking off the live calls on 13th November.


AND for those of you who sign up before midnight on 8th November, you will be invited to book your VIP Strategy Session with Mel to map out your personalised business roadmap.

You will receive a Welcome Pack containing your coaching contract and a welcome letter which contains all the details about the programme and how to get the most out of it.


You will also receive dates & diary invitations to the coaching calls including scheduled breaks.


And then you can get into the community and start meeting all your amazing new business besties!


Still got questions?


Reach out to Mel at [email protected], I’ve gotcha xÂ