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The truth is sister, if you're not selling yourself and your services - you are not changing the world.

Let's change that today shall we?

This swipe file gives you the exact formula and done for you templates that will increase your confidence, clients and cashflow dramatically and lead you to create life changing growth and results in your business within weeks not months! 

In Selling From The Soul - The Sales Call I'll share:

  • The 5 proven principles to Selling From The Soul that will completely reframe how you feel about selling and help you sell with supreme confidence and ease in the conversations you have with potential clients 
  • The exact email sequence with done for you templates and examples that will prepare your potential client to be ready to buy ON THE CALL 
  • An example ‘Application Form’ you can ask your potential clients to fill out as part of your pre-call process to help them get clear on the value they need from you and help you prepare to serve at your highest level
  • A guided meditation and visualisation for you to use before each conversations that will get you fully into alignment with your highest level of service and diminish any squirms or nerves 
  • The 5 Step Proven Process to YES to ensure a powerful conversation that leads your clients to YES
  • The 5 Selling without the Squirm Secret Strategies that will always let you lead the call and stay on track, even when you are not following a script (script’s are a big fat YUCK to selling authentically!) 
  • The 5 Key Phrase Examples that enable you to seamlessly transition through each stage of the process using your own words and phrases that sound like you and feel like you - because they ARE you! 
  • Guidance on exactly how to create an amazing Follow Up process that helps you stay in the spirit of service and create a powerful and impactful brand with examples of what to do and say 

£297  ONLY £27 Introductory Offer

This file will revert to the normal price of £297 and you should be able to make far more than that back on your first successful sales call - but until the end of July you can grab Selling From The Soul for the introductory offer of ONLY £27!!! 

These are the exact processes and strategies that have enabled me to create a highly successful and lucrative business whilst also being true to myself and my values. This approach has also supported my clients to create 6 figure businesses that are changing the world one heart felt and authentic conversation at a time. 

Are you ready to become wildly successful by being even more of yourself in the conversations you have with your potential clients? 


Welcome to Selling From The Soul - The Sales Call Swipe File

That feeling of elation when you see someone book a call in your diary, YES a potential client I get to serve!

And then BANG almost instantly it transforms into dread as you realise that means you will need to actually SELL!

You start to imagine the conversation and all you can think of is how awkward it feels when it gets to the part where you have to ‘close’ the sale. 

What if they think I’m pushy?

What if they can’t afford it? 

Should I give them a discount because times are hard for everyone right now? 

What if I sound desperate? I really need this client!

Ugh, I hate when it gets to the part where I need to wrap up the call as I never know what to say... 

If only you could approach the conversations you have with your potential clients with the same confidence and ease as you do when you are in your zone of genius sharing your gifts…

I’m here to tell you - YOU CAN!

Selling in your business can feel as natural as doing your best work with the perfect client.

I’m going to bet you that by the time you are finished applying this simple to follow strategy you will even be enjoying each and every conversation with your potential clients, even sales calls and squealing with pure delight (and NO squirmy awkwardness and secret dread!) every time you see another call booked in your diary.

I’m also willing to bet they may just become your super power and secret success weapon in your business!

I help women become wildly successful by creating authentic and lucrative businesses that change the world. 
Selling From The Soul is a subject I am supremely passionate about - because I know from experience and believe with every ounce of my being, that when you learn to love selling and get good at inviting people to work with you everything changes in your business!
No more being the ‘best kept secret’ business owner. Dreaming of the impact you know you are here to have, yet feeling stuck with a lack of clients and cashflow. 
This swipe file will give you everything you need to prepare for, create and hold amazing conversations that lead to sales in which you represent your business, your mission and your value with maximum impact and minimal struggle. 
There are 5 parts to the process. 
  1. Learn the principles of Selling From The Soul
  2. Prepare people to have a value packed Clarity Conversation
  3. Lead the Clarity Conversation with confidence, ease and grace 
  4. Close the Sale/Follow up 
  5. Keep them warm and continue to add value 
There is a lesson for each stage including templates for you to use to build your own unique sales process and formula. 
One of the core principles in Selling From The Soul, is that the more you are YOU, the easier it is for you to call in and connect with your perfectly aligned clients and customers. 
So you won’t have to follow a script that doesn’t sound like you (which let’s face it would only add to your awkwardness!) Instead, you will be developing sales materials using your own ideas, words and phrases. 
Through ‘Selling From The Soul’, you are building rock solid foundations in your business that you will benefit from for the rest of your life and know exactly how to create a steady stream of clients as the lifeblood of your business. 



You'll receive my exact, proven formula to lead sales calls with confidence and dramatically increase your clients and cashflow...

Still on the fence? 

This is for you if you know….

  • You are here to change the world through your business and are deeply driven to make a difference - a coach, creative, consultant or any business that focuses on transformation and raising the consciousness of the planet 
  • Effortless selling will be a complete and utter game changer in your business and your confidence levels 
  • The importance of not going it alone and the value of investing in yourself to make your journey quicker, easier and less lonely
  • You are a strong action taker and you are willing to get outside your comfort zone to create amazing results 
  • You are ambitious and know you want to play a bigger game through your business but you can be held back by your inner critic and self doubt
  • You care more about your impact and who you are here to serve than you do your fear  
  • You need some help to get you out of your head and into your heart in how you run your business AND create an abundance of clients and cashflow 

This is NOT for you if…. 

  • You are more committed to your fears and staying stuck than creating incredible results in your business by learning to love selling 
  • You will download the toolkit and expect magical changes to happen in your business without YOU creating magical changes in yourself by applying the strategies and taking the actions 
  • You are committed to the old ways of push, hustle, hardship and struggle to create results in your business  


If you are ready to completely transform your relationship with selling and rapidly increase your income, impact, clients and cashflow then I can’t wait to help you.


"The change has been beyond what I ever expected to achieve."

- Sarah Huntley, Business Mentor & Performance Coach

"Selling and coming across as 'sales-y' have been some of my biggest fears in my business, despite knowing how important it is to be able to 'sell' to run a successful business! Through Mel's coaching over the past 18 months, she has helped me make a huge mindset shift around selling - and I have now found a way that feels authentic and comfortable, without the 'squirm'! Now I see selling as sharing an opportunity to my clients to work with me, rather than just a financial transaction or something I 'need' to do. Thanks to Mel's expertise, I now feel calm and confident approaching an opportunity to 'sell' and the numbers in my business certainly reflect that shift!" 

" I am making more money than ever in my business, and I can’t wait to see how much further I can progress. The change (for the better) has been beyond what I ever expected to achieve."