Why I Wanted to Shine the Light on Women in Business

Uncategorized Jul 15, 2024

You might have seen me mention it once or twice on social media recently, but I and 9 other amazing women wrote a book!


Awakened Leaders finally landed last month and with it, the opportunity and belief that it is possible to turn the tide on traditional approaches to doing business.


As a business coach and strategist, I have always been passionate about working with and encouraging women to embrace their femininity and letting it guide them on their journey to run their business in a way that works for them, rather than clinging onto strategies and tactics that go against their gut feeling.


But I also believe that we shouldn’t gate-keep the transformations that we as leaders go through - with success comes an opportunity to lift up others and Awakened Leaders - How To Become The Leader The World Needs Now is the perfect platform to do just that.


My Personal Journey: From Burnout to Business Coach

I am incredibly open about my own journey. Why?...

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Supporting You and Your Business to Succeed: Business Coach vs Business Strategist

Uncategorized Jun 17, 2024

Rewind 9 years... I remember the feeling of deciding to take the plunge and start my own business.

I think the best way to describe it is excited and absolutely terrified in equal measure!

As I recovered from my breakdown and burnout, I knew my next chapter had to involve me making a bigger, more tangible difference. I was utterly driven by impact, meaning and contribution. And I felt the corporate environment was just too constraining for me to do the work that I loved with the freedom to dance to the beat of my own drum, have great balance in my life and the create impact I dreamt of. 

So, like so many others who have taken big risks to make a bigger contribution, I decided to launch myself into the world of entrepreneurship and go it alone.  

I  knew I was really good at my thing, which at the time was primarily Executive and Performance Coaching, but I had no idea how to market either myself or my business or how to position my services.

I had...

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Mastering Business Strategy and Embracing Change: A Guide for Female Entrepreneurs

Uncategorized Jun 03, 2024

Ever wondered what separates the businesses that succeed no matter what is happening in the economy? 


Does all the talk of downturns and the cost of living crisis keep you awake at night? 


It can be a real area of legitimate concern for business owners and entrepreneurs who are continually riding the rollercoaster of highs and lows that so often accompany entrepreneurship.


The good news is, there is a solution to this inner turmoil and it might be simpler than you think.


Why Your Business Needs A Strategy

In the current economic climate, it’s more important than ever to have a solid business strategy. 


I don’t just mean having a plan or tactics - those are the methods to help you deliver your strategy. 


What sets businesses apart is developing a clear strategy for growth that uses both external and internal measures and research.


Time and again we see those that thrive in challenging economic conditions...

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The Roadmap To A Sustainable, Profitable 6-Figure Business

Uncategorized May 09, 2024

Reaching the coveted 6-figure milestone is a significant achievement for entrepreneurs, reflecting their commitment, dedication and tenacity to grow their business by adding value to others.

As a coach and business strategist who has worked with many entrepreneurs to help them create, grow and scale their businesses to 6 figures, I’ve seen that while no business owner is the same, there are certainly common themes that occur. 

In this blog, I’ll break down the strategies you can adopt to achieve your 6-figure business goal, but it’s key to note that two things underpin my philosophy and approach:


Your business, your way - I don’t believe in a ‘cookie-cutter’ approach.

Embrace your unique approach to business; it's not about following a template but crafting a strategy that resonates with you and your values. Once you identify the perfect blend of profitable offer/s with a marketing eco-system that you enjoy, you can easily scale to 6...

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Conscious Business Coaching: Aligning Profit with Purpose

Uncategorized May 09, 2024

The Journey Towards Conscious Business Coaching

From the outside, you might think that I have cracked being a business owner and entrepreneur - it’s an easy assumption to make given that I am a business strategist making a career out of demonstrating to other female business owners how they can achieve success. 

But it hasn’t always been this way! 

I was always a high performer and climbed the corporate ladder. I was the definition of ‘traditional success.’

But one day everything fell apart and I burnt out. Tired of trying to keep up with someone else’s idea of success and my own high standards, I walked away from my life as I knew it and my corporate career to take a career break. 

I had no idea what my future would look like.

But one thing that felt utterly essential was that in my next professional chapter, I needed to make a meaningful contribution and a positive impact.

With the right conditions, that seed evolved and grew...

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Empowering Women in Business: Strategies, Opportunities, and Leadership

One of the greatest shifts we’ve witnessed in the last few decades is the rising influence and presence of women in the business world. Across countless industries and sectors, women continue to break down barriers, shatter glass ceilings and carve out their place at the decision-making table. 


But it would be foolish to think these achievements have been without their challenges and the research is clear that we still have a very long journey ahead of us. At the current rate of change, it is estimated by the UN we are still 5 generations away from achieving gender parity and women still only represent around 10% of executive roles at FTSE firms. 


Therefore, it is imperative we continue to prioritise supporting women to lead in a way that enables them to be at their best, sustain their performance and not feel forced to compromise their well-being, values or ability to be present in their relationships.  


Of course, everyone’s...

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The Comprehensive Guide to Developing a Success Mindset for Women in Business

The rise and success of female leaders and entrepreneurs in the modern business world has never been more prominent. It’s exciting to watch these trailblazers break through the glass ceiling and reshape countless industries with innovative ideas, backed by an unwavering determination to succeed.


At the heart of their success is something that’s almost intangible but incredibly powerful - the right mindset.


For some, it can come naturally, but for others, it can take time to develop. Over the past 25 years, I’ve helped countless female leaders and entrepreneurs cultivate a success mindset and empowered them to unlock their full potential so they too can achieve remarkable success. But I also recognise that for many women who are at the start of their journey to success, this can all sound overwhelming or even intimidating. 


So let’s start by unpicking exactly what a success mindset is and what tools and strategies you can draw on...

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How to generate more revenue without risking burnout in 4 simple steps

4 reasons why you should design a highly scalable signature offer that keeps you firmly out of overwhelm, in your zone of genius, and creating the impact you dream of. 


Growing your business in a sea of other people who do similar work to you can feel incredibly daunting.


Social Media can become a feeding ground for our insecurities if we allow ourselves to fall into the dreaded trap of ‘comparisonitis’. It’s so easy to fuel our lifelong fears and insecurities unintentionally, which is fatal to growing your business with ease and creating the impact you came here to have. 


In creating and growing my own business, I have been doggedly determined to find ways to create balance in my life so that my business never becomes a 60-hour-a-week job in disguise but provides me with the freedom to live my life on my terms, have balance and be able to spend time with my family doing the things I love.


It’s also exactly what I help...

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How Powerful Men Can Champion Women's Equality with Andy Healy | Mel MacIntyre

Uncategorized Jul 19, 2023

We Can't Do It Alone: How Powerful Men Can Champion Women's Equality with Andy Healy 


Hello, and thank you for joining me for another rich, stimulating conversation about women’s empowerment!


If you haven’t caught up on my article about the INCREDIBLE interviews I’ve shared so far you should take a look here.


It has been such a joy to revisit these insightful and inspiring conversations, and I am so excited about the one I’m going to share with you today. 


When I decided to put together the International Women’s Day Interview series, I was intentional about not just talking to some of the game-changing women that I know. I decided to get the male perspective too. 


Because, sisters, there is a LOT of work to do. And our strides towards equality and equity are much longer when we have purposeful men on our side. 


And believe me, I picked an amazing one to dive into this essential topic with -...

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Raising Challenging Teenagers With An Open Heart in a Broken Society With Pei-I Yang | Mel MacIntyre

Uncategorized Jul 12, 2023

It is both bittersweet and beautiful to have finished revisiting my Interview Series in celebration of International Women’s Day.


Can you believe it?! 


Each one of these conversations was a blessing and privilege, and I am so full of gratitude that each individual spoke to me with such honesty, vulnerability, and authenticity. 


I rounded off this series by speaking to one of my beloved clients and a true force of change, Pei-I Yang. 


The founder of Rainbow Parenting Consulting, Pei-I is a parenting consultant with a difference. 


She has over 25 years of experience working with children, teenagers, and families with a wide variety of needs. With a background in clinical, management, training, and therapeutic settings, Pei-I works with every family individually to find strategies that will fix even the most broken of families who are raising challenging teenagers. 


She has a depth of skills, knowledge and...

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