Do you secretly want more?

Let's create the success you long for without pushing, striving, working ever harder and faking it to fit in.

Let's talk about what you REALLY want

Do you know deep down you have more to give?

It can feel so overwhelming, spending each day on the hamster wheel of life, lurching from one thing to the next but never really feeling clear or decisive about where you’re going or how you will get there.

Book A Breakthrough Session

It can feel so overwhelming, spending each day on the hamster wheel of life, lurching from one thing to the next with that constant gnawing sensation there must be another way...

The thought of making changes just adds to your feeling of overwhelm.


Where will you even begin?!


And so you struggle on, in the hope that one day it'll somehow change all by itself. Or that one day, for some reason which you can't yet imagine, something will shift and suddenly taking control and making those changes will magically become easy.

As a woman who leads from the heart with a big mission to fulfill, chances are you’re driven by deeper goals than just MONEY. You’re driven to make an impact, heal the world and express the creativity that is flowing within you!

I’m here to tell you that there is an easier way... You can rediscover freedom AND find the deeper meaning in life you are searching for while creating more time and energy to actually enjoy the process!

How do I know that?

Because I’m living it, and I’m helping others like you do the same.

What if you could follow a step by step process that laid out for you each step you needed to take and when?

Let's map out your process to success without struggle

There's a whole world of possibility out there. It's just that sometimes it's hard for us to navigate it on our own.

And so you struggle on where you are, in the hope that one day it'll somehow change all by itself. Or that one day, for some reason which you can't yet imagine, something will shift and suddenly taking control and making those choices will magically become easy.

As a woman who leads from the heart with a big mission to fulfill, chances are you’re driven by deeper goals than just MONEY. You’re driven to make an impact, heal the world and express the creativity that is flowing within you!

I’m here to tell you that there is an easier way... You can rediscover freedom AND fulfill your mission while creating more time and energy to actually enjoy the process!

How do I know that? Because I’m living it, and I’m helping others like you do the same.

What if you could follow a step by step process that laid out for you each step you needed to take and when?

Book A Breakthrough Session

The Expansion Experience

A 6 month private mentoring program for women who are ready to rapidly expand their impact, confidence and ability to succeed on their own terms with ease

"The change (for the better) has been beyond what I ever expected to achieve."

“It was such a luxury to spend a day in Paris working with my fantastic coach Mel on my vision and strategy for 2020. We’ve been working together for a few months now - and choosing Mel as my coach has been the best decision I've ever made. I started from a place of overwhelm and constant rushing around, and not feeling like I was getting anything done!

After just three months of online coaching, plus our intensive day coaching in Paris, I now have a strategy, a plan and more importantly a feeling of confidence and calmness. I am able to focus, get more done than ever and the increased impact I am having with my own clients has been huge.

I am making more money than ever in my business, and I can’t wait to see how much further I can progress. The change (for the better) has been beyond what I ever expected to achieve. For anyone considering booking coaching with Mel, I urge you to do so - straight away! It’s a decision you won’t regret. Thank you Mel!"

Imagine the difference it would make:

  • Really making the difference your heart longs for as you  operate at your highest level with absolute  ease 
  • Redefining success on your terms so you have everything your heart desires 
  • No longer feeling guilty, conflicted and worried about your how you prioritize and spend your time  
  • Knowing you are supported and guided and not having to carry the load on your own as you partner with a world class coach and mentor who has walked in your shoes and helped hundreds of women just like you to create miraculous transformations in their lives
  • Having the headspace to dream, strategize and plan what you REALLY want your life, career or business to look like and knowing exactly how to make it happen
  • Always feeling clear about your next best move so you never have to spend another day with your stomach in knots wondering what it’s all for
  • Gliding through your days with purpose and clarity and the amazing feeling of ticking everything off your To Do list and knowing what your true priorities are

It sounds like a dream right?

Isn’t this what you have been secretly longing for? If you let yourself ‘go there’?

Book A Breakthrough Session

Mel MacIntyre is an international bestselling author, keynote speaker, sought after coach and business mentor and the founder of Mel MacIntyre Coaching. 

With over 20+ years specialising in coaching and transformational change for global organisations and individuals, Mel helps her clients to create success that makes their heart sing because she deeply believes that’s what the world needs more of.

In 2014, Mel faced a crossroads in her life. Burnt out and broken, Mel was living a life that looked 'perfect' on the outside but was slowly killing her mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Spurred on by her own suffering and the cancer diagnosis of her best friend and number one supporter, her dad Ian, Mel walked away from the successful job and life she knew to start over again.

Mel travelled the world and learned from the very best teachers and mentors. Traveling to California to train at the High Performance Institute and become one of only several hundred elite coaches in the world. Mel was invited to work at the world's largest personal development company and coached hundreds of clients all over the world developing a deep mastery of her craft. 

Mel's coaching style is very intuitive and is so powerful due to her focus on teaching you exactly how to trust and connect with your inner wisdom every day. When you combine very clear strategies and proven processes with deep, soulful self-inquiry, it is a magical alchemy for successful transformation.

Working with Mel enables you to create financial freedom doing the work that you love whilst working less hours and having more time with the people you love. Side effects include less stress and overwhelm, self doubt, analysis paralysis, people pleasing and perfectionism along with more belly laughs, meaningful connections, reasons to celebrate and let’s not forget making the world a better place.

Mel is also an Ambassador for Women’s Enterprise in Scotland using her voice to represent and promote women and their interests in business and influence government policy and has been featured for her work in the Guardian, BBC and Yahoo Life along with many more publications. 

When she’s not serving her amazing clients through her mastermind programme or at an event, you can find her on the tiny Hebridean island of Eriskay she calls home hanging out with the two men in her life, son Maximilian and partner Charlie. She’s most happy when she has sand in her toes, the sun on her face and the wind in her hair.

✓ You are a business leader or owner who is passionate about making a difference in the world through the work you do

Your old ways and habits are holding you back - you find yourself feeling frazzled, overwhelmed, overthinking and procrastinating which leads to you spinning your wheels 

✓ You get stuck ‘wondering HOW’ and because you can't see exactly how you can make it happen, you don't try 

Your ambition and need to do a good job and make a difference in the world is actually your biggest challenge - your need to make this work is sabotaging your ability to create a career filled with fun and flow and ease. Spinning your wheels faster is only getting you stuck deeper into the dirt.

You need to shift from being the plate spinning Middle Manager in your life and business to the CEO who can set direction and grow your impact and satisfaction levels exponentially

You are ready to create a new chapter within your business or career that provides you with a lifestyle filled with more financial freedom, balance and fulfilment but can’t see a way to do that without getting into more overwhelm or magically creating more hours in the day.

Let's talk and see how I can help

This is not for everyone...

It’s not for you if you’re not ready to find another way to live your life and create wealth that is based in freedom and flexibility 

It’s not for you if you’re not ready to let go of the old stories that are keeping you stuck

It's not for you if you're not ready to be supported and challenged by someone who can see you at your highest potential and hold you to it 

With Mel as your personal mentor you work together one on one to design and refine your career or business so your work leaves a meaningful legacy AND you still have enough time left for yourself and those you love.

It all starts with a luxurious Deep Dive Intensive Session

Where we dig into exactly what’s holding you back while reigniting your passion and clarifying your vision.

Then we create your 90-day Expansion Plan.

Based on the deep dive session we look at the next 90 days and create a plan to move you forward. In the plan, we look at three interconnected components of creating a soul-led business or career and focus on the elements that are the most important for your success.

One on one coaching and guidance every step of the way.

We work together to ensure you accomplish your 90-day plan. Working together in private coaching sessions Mel will take you through a proven process filled with research based tools and strategies to help you achieve deep and powerful transformation and know exactly what steps you need to take to realise your deepest desires and most powerful ambitions.

3 components we'll focus on:

Business Strategies

Used for building a highly leveraged, lucrative, impact-driven career and business that allows for freedom and joy.

Success Strategies

Learn the daily, weekly, and monthly habits and practices of the worlds most successful people that cut down on confusion, promote clarity, and protect you from burnout.

Mindset and Spiritual Practices

To bring you into alignment with your higher calling, remove inner obstacles, and tap into a deep well of confidence that exists regardless of external circumstances.

"The only thing I would change about my coaching experience is that I didn't do it sooner"

"The coaching has literally changed everything for me. I've come from this mindset that I don’t need any help, that I can do everything on my own, that I must do everything on my own. That mindset only got me so far.

These myths around coaching, that it’s for people who can’t do things for themselves, they are needy, they don't have the gumption or stamina to get stuff done it’s just such a bunch of junk and it’s heart crushing to think how many folks are uninformed about the value that coaching can bring to your life. We are human beings, we are social creatures, we need each other to help bring the best version of ourselves out to play and out to change the world. Coaching should never be optional, I actually think we are all here to help each other on this journey called life to help celebrate it and bring the best of ourselves to that experience. This is what coaching has really meant for me and allowed me to see.

The thing that is so magical about working with Mel is the way she probes, the way she asks the questions, it's like she's a locksmith. An amazing, intuitive locksmith, she always knows the right questions to ask! A perfect metaphor for what a great coach is, a locksmith to help you unlock all the answers, all the wisdom that's been hanging out inside you all this time but you just haven't had the right key to release it and open it up to the world, that's what Mel does. The only thing I would change about my coaching experience is that I didn't do it sooner!"

  • Become deeply confident in yourself, your abilities and what’s possible for you
  • Increase your impact and finally make the difference you know you are here to make
  • Develop new habits that make your success inevitable
  • Uncover your deepest wisdom and know exactly how to use it to your advantage
  • Create consistent forward momentum towards your goals and ambitions
  • Learn how to use setbacks to your advantage and the exact strategies to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again
  • Learn how to operate in your genius zone so your days are filled with ease and impact
If not now, when? Let's chat about how I can help you
  • Become deeply confident in yourself, your abilities and what’s possible for you
  • Increase your impact and finally make the difference you know you are here to make
  • Develop new habits that make your success inevitable
  • Uncover your deepest wisdom and know exactly how to use it to your advantage
  • Create consistent forward momentum towards your goals and ambitions
  • Learn how to use setbacks to your advantage and the exact strategies to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again
  • Learn how to operate in your genius zone so your days are filled with ease and impact
Book A Breakthrough Session