Maximising Your Marketing Mix: Lessons from Our Latest Webinar

Uncategorized Jun 06, 2023

If you happened to miss our latest enlightening masterclass there's no need to fret. This blog post aims to summarise the key insights, revelations and wisdom shared during the webinar, as well as to offer a few additional pearls of wisdom to help you on your marketing journey. 


The webinar's purpose was to aid YOU in creating the perfect marketing groove to call in more clients & skyrocket your sales while you dance to the beat of your own drum! 


Here’s what we covered and you can do too by watching the replay (link this comment to reply vid)


  • Unearth the perfect moves to attract more of your ideal customers in a fun and easy way through your very own Marketing Makeover.


  • Find the ideal 'Marketing Mix' for your business for the next 90 days that utilises the assets you already have and keeps feelings of overwhelm at bay.


  •  Learn a simple framework to keep your marketing fresh, relevant and continuously appealing to clients and customers.


The Power of Your Story


Sharing a personal journey can be incredibly impactful. 


As the founder of a successful Leadership & Business Strategy Coaching & Consultancy company I’ve certainly faced  started by discussing my own struggles in launching my business and the turning points that guided me towards finding solutions. 


Owning and running a business can leave you you feeling so overwhelmed. There are soooo many different options and advice and guidance from the ‘gurus’ it can feel really difficult to know which strategy or platform will get you the best results, so it’s important to remember you are not alone. There is always great support and guidance out there, you just need to know where to look. 


When I set up my own business, I knew I was brilliant as what I did as a coach and consultant, but I had no clue about how to market myself! Now, helping entrepreneurs and executives create powerful and compelling brands that enable them to fulfil their purpose is one of my areas of expertise. And how you market yourself and your business is the bridge between you having a big dream and actually doing the work that sets your soul on fire.


When done right, you can relax knowing you can create a profitable business that also provides meaning, balance, and is the perfect vehicle to feel a deep sense of freedom and dance to the beat of your own drum.


So onto the juicy stuff!


Great, compelling and EASY marketing isn't about doing #allthethings, but rather about knowing which strategies to focus on that amplify and compound your efforts for maximum results. 


Here’s some truth bombs to set the scene.


  1. Marketing is the main mechanism through which your ideal clients discover you. It’s YOUR JOB TO BE EASY TO FIND! 
  2. Marketing is a two-way conversation. People want to get to know you and feel a sense of connection to feel ready and safe to say yes to buying from you. 
  3. Your ideal clients are actively looking for you. They want to hear from you! No need to shrink and hide and feel like you’re being too big for your boots. Get out there and get visible! 
  4. The more you are you, the more your message will resonate with your ideal
  5. Clients. People can feel your authenticity and it’s a powerful selling salve. 
  6. It’s more important to go deep with one or two marketing methods that really
  7. suit your style, talents and goals than try and do #allthethings.
  8. Don’t buy into your fears and the old stories that defined who you were in
  9. the past. Focus on who you know you are being called to become in the future. That’s the ‘you’ who is destined to succeed. 
  10. Get comfortable with visibility and owning your message. No one does you quite like you do! So own it!


The Take Away’s: What Stage of Business are You In?


To get the most out of the Masterclass, you will need to identify with one of three business growth stages:


1 - Are you just getting out the starting blocks? 

2 - Are you Gaining Speed and beginning to experience growth in your business? 

3 - Are you maxed out in your capacity and ready to scale? 


No matter what stage you’re at, there are some core foundations you need in place which I teach in my Business Incubator programme (link to business incubator) You need a strong understanding of your brand positioning, a super juicy and attractive offer and unique selling proposition (USP), and some irresistible messaging to attract and call in your ideal clients & customers. 


The meat of this masterclass shares 3 simple strategies you can implement TODAY aligned to your business goals and stage. 


And if you only do one thing, as you watch this masterclass push your comfort zone and pick a marketing strategy that gives you maximum visibility, positions you as the go to expert and enables you to have great conversations with your peeps.


In the end there is no one-size-fits-all approach to marketing, and that the most effective strategies are those tailored to your unique business and those that feel right for you.


Always remember that!


Here’s the link you need again to catch the full masterclass here and watch this space as our next live masterclass will be announced soon πŸ‘€


If you’d love some one on one personalised support to increase your impact through creating a strategy to help you create more money doing the work you love without burn out and overwhelm being your constant companions, reach out and grab some time to explore working together. Spots are limited and they go FAST - Book in now!


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