It sneaked up on me and got me good! (MINDSET)

abundance business coach Jul 29, 2020

FEAR! It was masquerading as ‘making sure’.


It was in a cunning disguise of ‘you need to get it right’


It was wearing technicolour stripes shouting ‘can you really take this money from your family and ask them to support you AGAIN?’ 


I had reached out to a business coach I really admire, and who I know admires me (you can see part of our masterclass here) to explore working together. 


I had reached a pivotal moment in my business after an extremely successful few months. I felt clear on the road ahead and the business and marketing strategies I wanted to use. But I had a sense, a niggle and a knowing that if I committed to work with a phenomenal new coach NOW that the next 6 months could be life changing for me and my family and the number of people I could reach with my work and message.


So we talked, it felt good. She was all in. I said I felt committed but needed to talk it over with Charlie. Which I did, and as usual he was amazing and trusting and supportive. 


Then I waited. And as I waited, I began hesitating.  And flip flopping. And doubting myself, my gut instinct and my decision. 


And it cost me 2 weeks of clarity, progress and opportunity.


It cost my team wasted hours working on things without the right clarity and direction from me to align and create value in the business.


Things got reworked. Heads felt full. It got overwhelming.


Until I made a decision.


To invest 5 figures working with my new coach for the rest of the year.


And then everything fell into place. My creativity started to flow again. My excitement started to rise. My confidence in my mission and message returned stronger and with more conviction than ever. I decided to create a new mini-masterclass series hosted live on my Facebook group. I created a new programme ‘Wildly Authentic Selling’ which I will be sharing with you in August.


And that’s before I even have my first strategy session with Lenka!


So what’s the lesson?...


When you hesitate and hold back life does not flow to your advantage. You keep yourself stuck in indecision which wastes huge amounts of energy.


When you decide to uplevel and go for your next big goal - expect it to get messy!


A wonderful client used an analogy of mine in one of her emails last week.


When you plant a seed what’s the first thing to come up?

*hint It’s not the green shoot. - it’s the dirt!


And the dirt got me good and proper!


Everything I have talked about really boiled down to one thing - Mindset and Confidence in your intuition.


It's a primary reason why I teach so many mindset strategies and spiritual practices in my coaching and mentoring programmes.


That's why I am launching a brand new mini-masterclass series over in our Facebook Community with the perfect blend of business and performance strategies along with mindset techniques and spiritual practices. 


We ran the first session this week Creating Resilience in you Life and Business - you can catch the replay/highlights here 


Hot off the press I have also opened up 4 Business Breakthrough Sessions - a complimentary strategy session with the core objective of identifying the biggest opportunities within your business right now to increase your clarity, cashflow and clients.


My promise through working with me as a Business Mentor is to empower, embolden and enable you to create a 6 figure business with alignment and ease. 


If you would LOVE to create unprecedented results in your business that will completely transform your ability to succeed with more ease AND increase your impact I would encourage you not to hesitate! They will get filled up real quick! 

You can apply to book your session here - Apply for your Business Breakthrough Session now




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