The Single Biggest Challenge I Notice In Women Business Owners


What is the single biggest challenge you face as a business owner? 


We discussed this topic in our most recent masterclass 'The Surprising Habits of Successful Business Owners' held in our Facebook Community. 


Strong themes were...  

  • Procrastination and Avoidance
  • Bringing In Sales and Consistent Cashflow 
  • Having Balance and getting out of Overwhelm 
  • Lacking Confidence 
  • Knowing - What are my next steps? How do I get from where I am to where I want to be?  


When we follow the thread all of these can be traced back to one common denominator...


Self- Doubt


It is THE single biggest challenge I notice with my clients


Is this something you struggle with? How does it show up for you? 


Agonising over a decision? Changing your mind? Hesitating? Getting into overwhelm and overworking things? 


The good news is, it CAN be overcome and it DOESN'T have to feel that way! 


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It sneaked up on me and got me good! (MINDSET)

abundance business coach Jul 29, 2020

FEAR! It was masquerading as ‘making sure’.


It was in a cunning disguise of ‘you need to get it right’


It was wearing technicolour stripes shouting ‘can you really take this money from your family and ask them to support you AGAIN?’ 


I had reached out to a business coach I really admire, and who I know admires me (you can see part of our masterclass here) to explore working together. 


I had reached a pivotal moment in my business after an extremely successful few months. I felt clear on the road ahead and the business and marketing strategies I wanted to use. But I had a sense, a niggle and a knowing that if I committed to work with a phenomenal new coach NOW that the next 6 months could be life changing for me and my family and the number of people I could reach with my work and message.


So we talked, it felt good. She was all in. I said I felt committed but needed to talk it over with Charlie. Which I...

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