You deserve nothing less than the technicolour brilliance of life...

So why are you setting for less?...


A mentor once told me your fears are the gatekeepers to your greatest gifts. 


It resonated somewhere very deep within me - the way a truth you already know always does.  Stirring an awakening in my restless soul.


Bit by bit over the last 5 years I have worked each and everyday to release the grip my fears used to have on me and watched in wonder as my life has completely transformed.


I’ve cried countless rivers of tears.


Let go of the people that I loved the most.


Become a mother to my incredible son.


Created a business that provides me with freedom AND enables me to do important and necessary work in the world.


And chosen ALWAYS to lean into my pain and discomfort in a bid to learn from it, understand it and through this process trust that it will pass.


I can confirm with confidence that it ALWAYS does. And leaves precious jewels of wisdom and guidance in its wake.


Who knew the darkest times could lead to your most precious moments of love and light?


It’s what drives me to do my work in the world - because when you can heal from a lifetime of depression, anxiety and excruciating lack of self worth to create a life and livelihood that is wildly fulfilling and allows you to shine your light with deep, powerful authenticity -


I believe it’s my RESPONSIBILITY to share that with as many people as I can.


I’m so grateful to be constantly inspired by my clients.


By their bravery and willingness to dive in and learn new strategies that will lead them to more success without having to feel like life is an unending struggle.


By their willingness to learn from their past, try new ways of thinking, feeling and doing that lead to them discovering a whole new way of being.


More confidence, more marketing, saying no with grace and ease...


Leaving the soul sucking job, spending more time with those they love, being fully present when they ARE with those they love...


Honouring their body as the miracle it is, learning to put themselves first and discovering this is the ONLY way to live and love in a sustained and joyful way.


No more secret resentment.


No more terrifying moments of ‘Is this it? Is this all my life will be?’


No more guilt and shame for having it all and still wanting more.


The list goes on.



I'm writing this in Paris where I’ve just spent a wonderful few days both on my own and with a cherished coaching client.


We spent the day connecting, walking, dreaming, strategising, eating lovely food and creating the plan for her life and business that will make 2020 the most important and fulfilling year of her life yet.


It’s been a real joy and honour to work with her in such an intensive and fun way.


Her results were so significant in just one day I was reminded how powerful these days can be so I’ve decided I want to do more of these special intensive coaching days.  


I created these VIP Coaching Intensive Days to support my clients in a more intensive and luxurious way by spending time together in beautiful, inspiring places to create fun, indulgent experiences as we do deep and meaningful work together. 


I’m going to open up 5 places to work with me in this way in a variety of places. I usually only offer them to my existing coaching clients so this is a unique opportunity. 


Grab this opportunity


If you are curious or feel that it might be your time to invest in yourself and your future I invite you to schedule a call with me where we can explore your needs in a safe and supportive way and decide if this is the right move for you to make and decide what the perfect topic and framework would be for us to spend a powerful day together to kickstart your year and your transformation.


 Schedule a call with Mel


If this is not for you, that’s ok too. Know I am always here rooting for you and believing in what’s possible when you take the leap from your fears to your future.


With love always, Mel x


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