Creating Wealth Without Shame

As a business owner, do you know your worth? 

Do you sell yourself and your services effortlessly and feel in complete alignment when you make offers to your clients and prospective clients? 

Is your business designed to enable revenue and money to flow to you with ease, expectation and predictability? 

These are some of the questions I explored in my recent podcast interview with the lovely Susanne Reiker on The Blissful Biz Podcast.

You can listen to my interview using the link below. I really enjoyed chatting with Susanne as I see all too often through my work as a business mentor to women who have a heartfelt mission, that they are often held back by shame, self doubt and an inability to receive and allow money to flow to them with ease in exchange for their services. 

I love working with my clients on this area as it is so powerful to remove the blocks that stop you from generating all the wealth and abundance that your heart desires. 

If this sounds...

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Do you love what you do?

I wanted to share a real PINCH ME MOMENT!


I was in the Guardian newspaper (only my fave paper!) talking about a cause I would die on a hill for - Defining success on your terms, using the biggest challenges you face to grow in strength and resilience, and designing a life that makes your heart sing.


I deeply believe we all deserve a life filled with freedom, balance, impact, meaning and fulfilment.


I was determined when I created my business after my 'successful' corporate career which also led to my burnout I would find another way.


Now my business is the vehicle through which I serve and support others to realise their fullest potential and get paid well for it, provide for my family and build a new world and way of doing business.


What was once a dream, shot down by the naysayers is now my day to day reality.


Times are changing.


You CAN have it all. You just need to know HOW.


That's exactly why I designed my free live...

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Would you love to perfect your elevator pitch?

Imagine the feeling as you answer the dreaded ‘what do you do?’ question effortlessly and succinctly!


We are embarking upon week 3 of the Wildly Authentic Business Incubator and this week we are deep diving the MESSAGE for each business and business owner participating.  As a purpose led, passion driven business owner, your message is the medicine you know the world needs.  It is how you express your mission, your desire to serve others and create meaningful change in the world. It is the primary vehicle through which you connect with your clients and start to have a meaningful dialogue with them. 


Taking time to explore the message you want your business to stand for is a step that all too often busy business owners can skip over or outsource to someone else. Although you may want to call in some expert copywriting help as your business grows and evolves - there is no one in the world who can know your clients as intimately as you do. ...

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Why knowing your unique mission is the secret ingredient in a wildly successful business

#coaching #mission #success May 21, 2021

It's week 2 of the Wildly Authentic Business Incubator and we have been working on our MISSION. Do you have a clear mission and use it to position yourself in the marketplace? 


What’s your big WHY in your life and business? Do you know it and use it to your advantage?


I’ve come to deeply believe we are all here for a reason. That we each have a unique role to play in creating the fabric of life. Each of our lives and legacies a thread in this miraculous and incredibly beautiful tapestry of life. 


For some of us, that means we have a calling to have a business. A business that helps us to fulfil our mission, use our talents and experiences - good and bad, and through our work and business realise our unique purpose. 


When we tap into and connect with this calling and deeper sense of purpose there are significant benefits it will bring to your business.


Your mission has the power to fuel you and propel you forward...

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I am so excited to announce this one!

#coaching #freechallenge Apr 16, 2021

When I left my corporate job burnt out and broken 7 years ago I knew only 2 things -

1 - I desperately needed to do work that made a difference in the world which helped people and my own business was the likely the best way to achieve this 

2 - That no matter what obstacles I faced or how difficult it would be - I would never give up and I would find a way to make it work 

Since then I've gone on to build a life and a business that is beyond my wildest dreams!  And now I would love to help you do the same.


I'd love you to join me for the Design Your Wildly Authentic Business Challenge -

3 live 90min workshops over 3 days to design a business that is the perfect vehicle for you to -

  • Serve at your highest level doing work that you love,
  • Provide for your family with confidence and;
  • Fulfil your unique mission and purpose 

You can click here to register and claim your space

It will run live via zoom and in my...

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Yoga and Coaching = Same thing?


Do you love yoga?


I do. And I’ve been reminded of it again in the last few weeks just how much I love it and how powerful a tool yoga has been in my journey through life. Especially during times of trials, tribulations, trauma and the rapid growth that often accompanies the 3 T’s.


What a rollercoaster few weeks it’s been here at the MacIntyre Malone residence!


We’ve been locked down, self isolating, back to no childcare and in our little home which soon became a pressure cooker. There’s been powercuts, clients cut off mid coaching call, delays to our house extension being built and let’s not talk about the blocked and overflowing septic tank


Luckily I know and accept it all as part of the inevitable crumbling that happens when you set BIG new goals and intentions in your life so we’ve been taking each day as it comes and focusing on lots of time in nature and self care! I’ve also been leaning in to...

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You deserve nothing less than the technicolour brilliance of life...

So why are you setting for less?...


A mentor once told me your fears are the gatekeepers to your greatest gifts. 


It resonated somewhere very deep within me - the way a truth you already know always does.  Stirring an awakening in my restless soul.


Bit by bit over the last 5 years I have worked each and everyday to release the grip my fears used to have on me and watched in wonder as my life has completely transformed.


I’ve cried countless rivers of tears.


Let go of the people that I loved the most.


Become a mother to my incredible son.


Created a business that provides me with freedom AND enables me to do important and necessary work in the world.


And chosen ALWAYS to lean into my pain and discomfort in a bid to learn from it, understand it and through this process trust that it will pass.


I can confirm with confidence that it ALWAYS does. And leaves precious jewels of wisdom and guidance in its wake.


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