Yoga and Coaching = Same thing?


Do you love yoga?


I do. And I’ve been reminded of it again in the last few weeks just how much I love it and how powerful a tool yoga has been in my journey through life. Especially during times of trials, tribulations, trauma and the rapid growth that often accompanies the 3 T’s.


What a rollercoaster few weeks it’s been here at the MacIntyre Malone residence!


We’ve been locked down, self isolating, back to no childcare and in our little home which soon became a pressure cooker. There’s been powercuts, clients cut off mid coaching call, delays to our house extension being built and let’s not talk about the blocked and overflowing septic tank


Luckily I know and accept it all as part of the inevitable crumbling that happens when you set BIG new goals and intentions in your life so we’ve been taking each day as it comes and focusing on lots of time in nature and self care! I’ve also been leaning in to...

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